Our Approach

  • Your initial one hour private musculoskeletal consultation will be a mix of the following techniques:
  • 1. Posture Analysis
  • 2. Movement Analysis
  • 3. Oscillating Massage Gun
  • 4. Soft Tissue Treatment
  • 5. Kinesio Taping Application. Dry Needling and Electrotherapy if required.
  • 6. Personalised Exercise Routine
  • 7. Personalised Stretching Routine
  • 8. Education

1. Posture Analysis

Thorough consultation asking questions on your past and present history, and looking at X-rays, MRI or CT scans, enable us to form an accurate picture of your situation, the nature of injury/pain and what muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons, nerves and organs are potentially involved. We then look at your posture to see which joints are causing problems elsewhere and how your pain affects your posture.

2. Movement Analysis

We determine the cause and effects of the injury through basic primal movements and balancing tests to assess weakness versus strength and movements that are causing you pain.

We use Reflexology and Kinesiology to test every muscle related to the injured or painful area.

This overall assessment allows us to determine the underlying issue and the cause of the pain as opposed to just focusing on symptoms.

We don’t make assumptions.

3. Oscillating Massage Gun

The high-frequency oscillating massage promotes three things:

1. Lymphatic drainage removes the built-up toxins in the injured muscle.
2. Increased blood supply rich in nutrients to support and heal the muscle allowing the body’s natural healing process to take place.
3. Muscle proprioception which provides a clearer signal between the brain and the injured area increasing muscle function.

In one session the gun can turn an injured muscle that is not functioning into a firing muscle at 100% peak strength often with complete reduction or a significant reduction of pain.

Oscillating Massage Gun & tape

4. Soft Tissue Treatment

We don’t release tight muscles straight away until we determine why they are tight. Often a muscle becomes tight and works harder due to the inhibition of another.

When we identify a muscle that is not working we then activate the muscle using a combination of the Oscillating Massage Gun,and Kinesio Taping, the tight muscle often releases on its own, without the need for regular massage treatments, thus saving you money and time! For those muscles that do not release by themselves, it merely requires a little soft tissue massage to release it.

Using this technique, the muscle stays released longer because we are treating the underlying issue and the cause of the pain as opposed to just focusing on the symptoms.

5. Kinesio Taping

Kinesio taping has the same elasticity as human muscle. The elastic characteristics allow the normalisation of muscle tone, promoting the flow of lymphatic fluid and rich nutrient-carrying blood. This allows the body’s natural healing process to take place in reducing pain.

Kinesio taping allows the patient a complete range of motion during rehabilitation allowing them to return back to work, or their favourite activity with the confidence and security that they can lead a full productive pain-free life. 

Elite athletes have integrated the taping method as a component of injury prevention and rehabilitation as well as increased performance.

6. Personalised Exercise Routine

After we have identified the non-performing/weak muscles and given them strength, and returned the muscle to peak performance, we repeat the movement analysis to test the area.

We then re-access the movement analysis, to measure the effects of the taped muscle.

Based upon these results, an exercise routine is designed where necessary. With Roberts’s professional assessment, he makes absolute sure each exercise is done correctly and tailored to your needs. Sometimes it’s a small but vital correction that needs to be made in the way you are exercising.

Over time, the exercises are re-evaluated and enhanced if need be.

7. Personalised Stretching Routine

A stretching routine is also created and designed to improve functionality and performance.

If you stretch a muscle that does not need to be stretched, you could be doing more harm than good!

8. Education and Follow Up

We teach you about your particular condition because we know when patients fully understand their situation they feel more empowered and are more likely to follow a program and enjoy the benefits.

We only do follow-up sessions if required. Often one or two treatments are all you need to begin your journey to a pain-free life. The difference between us and other practitioners is that we don’t have you committing to many sessions. Our genuine aim and attitude is to get you MOVING WITH JOY AND EASE FAST. We teach you skills to maintain yourself at home and often PREVENT/REDUCE FUTURE APPOINTMENTS. Where possible we want our clients to be independent not dependent on us.

Informed people get faster results – therefore are happier people.

What All This Means To You After Your First Session:

Follow-Up Sessions:

After an initial consultation, the follow-up session continues to be an hourly one-on-one session where we continue to evaluate what worked and did not work for you.

In each session we focus on the most underlying structures and methodically work through them.

You can expect to be walking away from each session feeling noticeably better than you walked in.

See how we compare to other therapists

The Happy Body utilises a combination of modern techniques which we believe delivers a better outcome than traditional single mode therapies.


Learn about Chiropractic vs Musculoskeletal Therapy services


Learn about Physiotherapy vs Musculoskeletal Therapy services


Learn about Remedial/Sports Massage vs Musculoskeletal Therapy services